Get to know our beautiful, smart and stylish Blue Label High Class Escort Models better.

Please understand that we are presenting a limited preview here. We have developed a special procedure to protect the privacy of our models. With a customer or VIP login you can see all models with additional pictures. Feel free to contact us for more information about our models, your favorite or login option.



Blue Label High Class Escort Models - Mit Bildern und Videos - EN Blue Label Models
Blue Label High Class Escort Models - Mit Bildern und Videos - EN Blue Label Models

At Blue Label escort agency, we present you with an exquisite selection of luxury escort models that are unmatched in elegance and class. Our ladies are not only radiantly beautiful, but also precious jewels in our portfolio. Each of them is unique, intelligent and has the charm that makes them the perfect companion.

For those who are looking for only the best, we present our Diamond category. Here you will find the luxury escort ladies Germany, who are in great demand due to their fame and exclusivity. These high class women are the epitome of elite escort.

Dive deeper and discover our Sapphire category. These are ladies who are already well-known in the industry, but not yet recognized by everyone. They embody elegance and class and are ideal for gentlemen who appreciate class and etiquette.

For those who are looking for the fresh face of the fashion and escort world, our Opal category is just right. Here you will meet authentic and professional female students and young models who are establishing themselves as elite escort models.

Not to forget our trademark – our VIP Escort Models; True celebrities from movies, TV, Instagram, Youtube and even internationally known stars. They represent the best that the escort world has to offer at all. This special offer is our unique selling point. No other escort agency offers you the possibility of a rendezvous with a celebrity lady.

At Blue Label you will find your perfect date, whether you are looking for a mysterious Diamond or a sparkling Opal. We will find the perfect escort model for you! So don’t hesitate and book YOUR perfect match today.

Blue Label High Class Escort Models - Mit Bildern und Videos - EN Blue Label Models

Dear gentlemen, you will experience only a small selection of our luxurious escort models on this model page. But Blue Label Escort Service hides far more secrets than meets the eye. While some of our high class escort models and deluxe escort ladies proudly present themselves, others choose to remain in the background for reasons of discretion. With us, protecting the privacy of our models is our top priority. These particularly exclusive ladies are our “Secret Ladies”.

It is not only our duty, but also our desire to maintain the anonymity of these elite escorts. We understand and respect that some models may not wish to share their photo gallery with the public.

However, if you have a special interest in one of our Secret Ladies and would otherwise like to see our portfolio with all escorts in its full glory, we can grant you a login under certain conditions if you have a serious booking intention.

If you have used the services of our high class escort agency before, this could also be a key. If this is your first time with Blue Label and you would like a login, please contact us.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to presenting you with the best of the world of High Class and Escort Deluxe Models.

Blue Label High Class Escort Models - Mit Bildern und Videos - EN Blue Label Models

In the elite escort industry there are often doubts whether the pictures shown correspond to reality. At Blue Label Escort Models we place the highest value on authenticity and quality. The photos of our ladies are not only exceedingly high quality, but also reflect the true beauty of our luxury escort ladies. Straight out of cam they let the natural beauty of our models shine, without any great editing. This assures gentlemen that they are getting exactly what they see.

Many of our photos were created by renowned star photographers who perfectly capture the uniqueness of each escort lady. No two pictures are the same; whether in style, pose or type. Our High Class Escort Models not only have the luxury of working with the best photographers, but also provide us with images from personal photo shoots for magazines or from their own private moments. These private photos show our Companions in their true light – playing sports, enjoying their free time or just being themselves.

With Blue Label, you can be sure that the authenticity and quality of our images are second to none. Because with us, all our elite escort ladies and true beauty are always the focus.

Blue Label High Class Escort Models - Mit Bildern und Videos - EN Blue Label Models

The idea of relaxing on exotic beaches of the Maldives, strolling through the romantic alleys of Paris or admiring the breathtaking architecture of Dubai is tempting. But what makes these experiences unforgettable is the company of a stunning and eloquent escort lady by your side. Imagine exploring the world with a first-class elite escort model who captivates not only with beauty, but also with intellect and charm.

We at Blue Label proudly present our high class travel escort service with luxury escort models. Our ladies represent the best that escort agencies have to offer. Synonymous with high class escort, Blue Label combines beauty, intellect and style in an unparalleled combination.

A look at the individual profiles of our escort women will tell you their availability and desire to travel. If your dream destination is not listed, do not hesitate to contact us. With Blue Label and our elite escorts every trip becomes a luxury experience.