Age:   20

Residence:   Prague

Nationality:   Czech

Languages:   Czech, English

Height:   181

Measurements:   88-70-97 (Bra: 80B)

Tattoos / Piercings:   Small tattoo - It is not seen much

Eye colour:   Blue

Hair colour:   - - -

Style:   Elegant

Professional background:   Playboy Model

Interests:   sport- tennis, golf, skiing, yachting, mountains, cars

Prefered Cuisine:   Italian, Mexican

Drinks:   Aperol, Mojito

Parfum:   Mancera Paris, Baccarat Rouge 540, Chanel - Noir

Smoking:   No

Vaccinated:   Yes

Category:   VIP

Heidi Blue Label Models
Heidi Blue Label Models
Heidi Blue Label Models

Passion is the fuel of life, eroticism is the sparks.

Heidi Blue Label Models

Vladimir Nabokov

VIP Playmate: ask Charlotte for more Information! From the 22nd of May to 1st of June 2023 you can meet Heidi in Cannes and Monte Carlo! I am very outgoing, I like to meet new people and get to know them closer. My big passion is traveling, sport and cars. I am very empathetic and joyful.
-> Take this chance! More details on request.

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