International High Class Escort Agency
Blue Label Escort Agency, the epitome of elegance and unsurpassed exclusivity, stands for customised placement of exquisite high class escort models with a lot of passion, first-class service worldwide according to your personal expectations, absolute discretion and seriousness.
Whether you are looking for a first class dinner date, an incomparable girlfriend experience (GFE) with one of our coveted VIP escort models, an escort to glamorous events or for your travels – Blue Label Models offers all this with high class escort service. Curious? Then take a look at our elite escort ladies now. Dreaming is allowed. But to make the dream come true is even more beautiful.
Book VIP escorts worldwide – and enjoy comprehensive service
We are more than just an escort agency. We create matches. What this means for you is that you enjoy your time with a gorgeous lady who is a perfect match for you. Also on a human and emotional level. If you cannot choose between all our beautiful escort models, we will be happy to advise you. Just tell us about your requirements for your lady – and we will find the right model for you.
Your escort agency without ifs and buts
Do you know that feeling when it just fits? When there’s a spark between you and a woman? And you completely forget the time around you?This is exactly the feeling you should experience on every escort date with one of our ladies. And you will too.
That’s what you get with our
High Class Escort Agency:
A hand-picked selection of high class escort ladies who work exclusively for us. Each of our high class escort models has undergone an extremely strict admission process and meets the highest standards of appearance, style, charm and intelligence. Of course, we know all our escort ladies personally.
Luxury services that meet the needs of a gentleman. Our Luxury Services are just right for you if you have very special ideas and wishes. Are you looking for a travel companion? You want to date a real couple? We make your wishes come true.
Discretion is a reality with us. As a reputable escort agency, we know that you like to live out your private dates intimately in private. We make sure that you and your companion enjoy a carefree time – and that no one but the two of you finds out about the escort service.
Perfect Match Guarantee. We will find the escort lady who is the perfect match for you. This way you will get along perfectly right from the start and experience a date as if you have known each other for a long time. We are convinced that trust is the basis for you to let yourself go and enjoy every moment together with your companion.

High Class Escort Service Worldwide & Travel companion
You certainly live a multifaceted life. Your job takes you to different corners of the world. Every journey is an experience. But sometimes this experience would be so much more beautiful with a Blue Label Escort at your side, wouldn’t it?
For this reason, we offer our escort service worldwide. Ladies from Frankfurt, Munich or Zurich are particularly in demand. No wonder: these cities are attractive business destinations in the DACH region. And also worth a trip outside of work.
Munich. The Bavarian capital exudes international esprit. And at the same time it is typically German. Everyone feels at home here. And yes, a discreet escort service makes your time in this wonderful city simply perfect. Some of our high class escort models call the city home and are looking forward to experiencing a high class escort service in Munich with you.
When the topic of banking, finance and true success comes up, Frankfurt am Main is often mentioned. Perhaps one or two business trips have already taken you to Mainhatten, haven’t they? You have certainly absorbed the charm of the city. You’ve fallen in love with the spectacular skyline. If only an incomparable companion had shared these moments with you…
In the future this is possible: with our high class escort models in Frankfurt. Enjoy unforgettable hours with your escort lady in a luxury hotel in Frankfurt. Go shopping together in the metropolis. And go out to eat in one of the city’s coveted star restaurants. It will be dreamlike.
Do you often travel to Switzerland for work? Then definitely also in the direction of Zurich. A dream city, isn’t it? We love it for its beautiful location right in front of the Swiss Alps. And so do our high-class escort ladies. Some of our models call Zurich their home – and offer their high class escort service here. But our ladies from Germany also love to fly to Zurich for you – to experience hot nights together with you.
Book our high class escort service in Zurich and stroll together with your escort model through the picturesque streets of the old town. Enjoy a romantic dinner. And let the day end perfectly: With a night together in a luxury hotel in Zurich.
Creating perfect matches is our core competence. But we can do much more. Because: You are certainly a man with class and style. You have very special requirements for your female companions. Or do you want to experience very special moments with your lady?
We make almost anything possible.
One of our most popular services is the travel escort. Our travel escorts are looking forward to spending your holiday together with you. And you can believe one thing: having one of our escort ladies with you for more than one night is so much better than the classic escort date. Discover the world together with your natural escort and look forward to a tingling adventure.
There’s a lady you follow on Instagram who’s been on your mind for a long time? We can understand that too well. There are quite a few charismatic models on the social media platform – you can still dream. Or, you can stop dreaming and really spend a night with an Instagram model. Our Instagram model service makes it possible.
We have some of the most beautiful models and influencers under contract. Not only do they all look stunning, but they also score points with style, charm, class and an elevated intellect. Drama queens? Not a chance! With us you will only find Instagram escort models who are just as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.
Let’s be honest: each and every one of us has secret sexual fantasies that he or she would like to live out. Have you ever dreamt of a threesome with a real couple? A hot fantasy – which we would like to make real for you. Because: some of our High Class Escort Models are in firm yet open partnerships and have no difficulty sharing.
By the way: Not only classic man-woman couples can be booked through us. Some of our escort ladies are together with a woman. Sounds exciting? Then take your chance on our Couple Dating Escort Service.
Mit Sicherheit leben Sie ein vielseitiges Leben. Beruflich verschlägt es Sie an verschiedene Ecken der Welt. Jede Reise ist ein Erlebnis. Doch manchmal wäre dieses Erlebnis mit einem Blue Label Escort an Ihrer Seite so viel schöner, oder?
Aus diesem Grund bieten wir unseren Escort Service weltweit an. Besonders gefragt sind bei uns Damen aus Frankfurt, München oder Zürich. Kein Wunder: Diese Städte sind attraktive Business Ziele in der DACH-Region. Und auch außerhalb der Arbeit eine Reise wert.
München. Die bayerische Landeshauptstadt versprüht internationalen Esprit. Und ist zugleich typisch deutsch. Hier fühlt sich jeder wohl. Und ja, ein diskreter Escort Service macht die Zeit in dieser wunderbaren Großstadt einfach perfekt. Einige unserer High Class Escort Models nennen die Stadt ihr Zuhause und freuen sich darauf, mit Ihnen einen High Class Escort Service in München zu erleben.
Wenn die Sprache auf Banken, Finanzen und wahren Erfolg kommt, dann ist oft von Frankfurt am Main die Rede. Nach Mainhatten hat Sie vielleicht schon der ein oder andere Business Trip geführt, oder? Mit Sicherheit haben Sie den Charme der Stadt in sich aufgesogen. Sich in die spektakuläre Skyline verliebt. Wenn jetzt noch eine unvergleichliche Begleitung diese Momente mit Ihnen geteilt hätte…
Zukünftig ist das möglich: Mit unseren High Class Escort Models in Frankfurt. Genießen Sie mit Ihrer Escort Dame unvergessliche Stunden in einem Frankfurter Luxushotel. Shoppen Sie gemeinsam in der Metropole. Und gehen Sie in einem der begehrten Sterne-Restaurants der Stadt essen. Es wird traumhaft sein.
Verschlägt es Sie beruflich häufiger in die Schweiz? Mit Sicherheit dann auch Richtung Zürich. Eine traumhafte Stadt, oder? Wir lieben sie für ihre wunderschöne Lage direkt vor den Schweizer Alpen. Und so auch unsere High Class Escort Damen. Einige unserer Models nennen Zürich ihre Heimat – und bieten hier ihren High Class Escort Service an. Doch auch unsere Ladies aus Deutschland fliegen gerne für Sie nach Zürich – um gemeinsam mit Ihnen heiße Nächte zu erleben.
Buchen Sie unseren High Class Escort Service in Zürich und flanieren Sie gemeinsam mit Ihrem Escort Model durch die pittoresken Straßen der Altstadt. Genießen Sie ein romantisches Dinner. Und lassen Sie den Tag perfekt ausklingen: Mit einer gemeinsamen Nacht in einem Züricher Luxushotel.
Perfect Matches kreieren ist unsere Kernkompetenz. Wir können aber weitaus mehr. Denn: Sie sind mit Sicherheit ein Mann mit Klasse und Stil. Da haben Sie ganz besondere Anforderungen an Ihre weiblichen Begleitungen. Oder aber, Sie möchten ganz bestimmte Momente mit Ihrer Dame erleben?
Wir machen nahezu alles möglich
Einer unserer beliebtesten Services ist die Reisebegleitung. Unsere Travel Escorts freuen sich darauf, gemeinsam mit Ihnen Ihren Urlaub zu verbringen. Und eins können Sie uns glauben: Eine unserer Escort Damen für mehr als eine Nacht bei sich zu haben, ist so viel besser als das klassische Escort Date. Entdecken Sie gemeinsam mit Ihrem natürlichen Escort die Welt und freuen Sie sich auf ein prickelndes Abenteuer.
Es gibt da eine Dame, der Sie auf Instagram folgen und die Ihnen schon lange nicht mehr aus dem Kopf geht? Das können wir zu gut verstehen. Auf der Social Media Plattform gibt es so einige charismatische Models – da wird man wohl noch träumen dürfen. Oder aber, Sie hören auf zu träumen und verbringen wirklich eine Nacht mit einem Instagram Model. Unser Instagram Model Service macht es möglich.
Wir haben einige der schönsten Models und Influencerinnen unter Vertrag. Sie alle sehen nicht nur umwerfend aus, sondern punkten auch mit Stil, Charme, Klasse und einem gehobenen Intellekt. Drama Queens? Fehlanzeige! Bei uns finden Sie ausschließlich Instagram Escort Models, die innerlich genauso schön sind wie äußerlich.
Sind wir mal ganz ehrlich: Jede und jeder von uns hat doch geheime sexuelle Fantasien, die er oder sie gerne leben würde. Haben Sie schon mal von einem Dreier mit einem echten Pärchen geträumt? Eine heiße Fantasie – die wir gerne für Sie real werden lassen. Denn: einige unserer High Class Escort Models befinden sich in festen und dennoch offenen Partnerschaften und haben keine Schwierigkeiten damit, zu teilen.
Übrigens: Nicht nur klassische Mann-Frau-Couples können Sie über uns buchen. Einige unserer Escort Damen sind mit einer Frau zusammen. Klingt spannend ? Dann nutzen Sie Ihre Chance auf unseren Couple Dating Escortservice.

We will find an escort that suits you perfectly
Superficial banter. And simply no connection to each other. Do you know this? Unfortunately, we all experience disappointing dates surprisingly often, where the spark just won’t fly. The result: lost time. A lot of disappointment. And another night alone.
They have already swiped half the city twice. You have written to numerous women. But a response was a long time coming. Or never came? That’s the reality of dating today. And when it does come to a date – then the scenario from above is not uncommon.
We do it differently. As a serious Escort agency, we see it as our mission to help you get real, authentic dates. To dates with women who fit you perfectly. And to dates that have a sensual ending. In short: Blue Label Models is your high class escort agency that finds your perfect companion.
Bluelabel Models featured in

Some of our first-class escorts and exquisite companions have chosen to show themselves proudly on our website, while others prefer not to present themselves for reasons of discretion. Those who desire the utmost exclusivity belong to our so-called “Secret Ladies”.
We see it not only as our responsibility but also as our endeavor to protect the anonymity and privacy of these top-class escorts. We are aware and mindful of the fact that some models do not wish to make their pictures available to the public.
However, should you have a specific interest in one of our Secret Ladies and therefore wish to view our entire portfolio of escorts, we offer you the possibility of access under certain conditions, provided your booking request is serious.
We are one of the few escort agencies that offer dates with real top models and fashion models from VOGUE or ELLE as well as Instagram models. We have numerous high-class supermodels under contract who would like to meet charming gentlemen alongside their work and enjoy life together.
We also offer a VIP escort service with celebrities from film and television, the fashion and music industry and the influencer sector. Discerning gentlemen thus have the opportunity to date a star. Since our VIP escort models are in the public eye as actresses, presenters, musicians, real supermodels and Instagram celebrities, it is important to us to protect their privacy. For this reason, you are only visible on our website with a VIP membership.
You are cordially invited to browse through the profiles of the high-class escort ladies on our website and choose your favorite or several favorites.
Then contact Charlotte and her agency team, who will be happy to advise you discreetly.
We will also be happy to put together a selection of several suitable ladies for you. We will take into account your wishes for the escort date, your sexual preferences as well as the time and place of the planned rendezvous. After all, your dream woman should really be available at your desired time.
We know all our escort girls personally and can therefore match your preferences with theirs and assess whether you and the lady are a good match. Whether your wishes and expectations will be fulfilled. The goal is a perfect match.
Please bear in mind that a few days’ lead time is required for the organization of your escort date. Nevertheless, we make every effort to realize even short-term dating requests.
On request, we can also take care of the entire organization of your date – from flights, restaurant and hotel reservations to yacht chartering and other date arrangements.
A membership with the Blue Label Escort Agency opens up numerous privileges for you:
- Access to uncensored photos, including the faces of our attractive escort ladies
- Insight into an extended collection of photos, including private pictures of our escort ladies
- Exclusive video recordings of our ladies are available to you
- Access to an exclusive selection of ladies, our so-called Secret Ladies, which are only visible to members and cannot be viewed without registration
In the case of a cash payment, the agreed amount is handed over to the lady in an envelope.
Our bank details are available on request.
You can pay conveniently and discreetly by PayPal or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover). For long-term bookings we expect a deposit.
We can provide you with a “harmless invoice” for your booked service.
Please understand that a processing fee will be added for PayPal and credit card payments.
It is our passion to prepare a sensual and unforgettable experience for you – and not just for a few hours or one night, but also for longer.
Depending on availability, our escorts will accompany you around the globe.
So if you are planning your vacation on the most beautiful beaches of the Maldives or in the snows of Lapland, for example, and would like the company of one or more of our high-class escorts, please contact Charlotte and the Blue Label agency team. We will be happy to advise you and put you in touch with the woman of your dreams. We can also organize a few highlights such as boat trips, dinner dates, sports dates, VIP events or parties and make hotel and restaurant reservations for an additional charge.
You can also book our ladies as escort companions for your business trips. Sweeten your evening after an exhausting day full of meetings and business lunches with escort ladies from the Blue Label Escort Agency.
Each of our escort ladies is a gem for us. Radiant, beautiful and valuable. However, some of the ladies are better known than others. These particularly well-known ladies are very busy and in high demand. You can find them in the Diamond category.
In the Sapphire category, you will discover beautiful escort girls who have already made a name for themselves – but are not yet known to everyone. These escort women are often booked for shoots and other exclusive events, but are available for high-class escort dates. The ideal choice for gentlemen with high standards who appreciate class and etiquette.
In the Opal category, you will find students and models who are just starting their careers. These ladies also impress with their authenticity and professionalism and offer an outstanding luxury escort service worldwide.