Age:   33

Residence:   Prague

Nationality:   Czech

Languages:   Czech, English

Height:   176

Measurements:   98-62-86 (Bra: E natural)

Tattoos / Piercings:   A few small tattoos

Eye colour:   Blue

Hair colour:   Dark brown

Style:   Elegant, sporty

Professional background:   - - -

Interests:   Food, traveling, hiking, bike, running, music

Prefered Cuisine:   Asian, Italian, sea food, steaks

Drinks:   wine, prosecco

Parfum:   Tom Ford

Smoking:   No

Vaccinated:   3 times

Category:   Opal

Barbara Blue Label Models
Barbara Blue Label Models
Barbara Blue Label Models

The art of seduction lies in the sensual touch.

Barbara Blue Label Models


Bluelabel Escort Models