Age:   24

Residence:   Paris (France)

Nationality:   French

Languages:   French, English, Spanish

Height:   172 CM

Measurements:   87-64-90

Tattoos / Piercings:   No

Eye colour:   Light Brown

Hair colour:   Brown

Style:   All natural / no surgery

Professional background:   Fashion

Interests:   Music, Art, Fashion

Prefered Cuisine:   Italian, French, Asian

Drinks:   Wine, Champagne

Parfum:   Dior

Smoking:   Yes

Vaccinated:   Yes

Category:   Diamond

Chloé Blue Label Models
Chloé Blue Label Models
Chloé Blue Label Models

In passion lies the true beauty

Chloé Blue Label Models

George Sand

I’m very communicative and passionate. I love traveling and discovering new things.
Chloé is a very sweet and charming girl. She has an incredibly beautiful smile and a positive spirit. That’s why everyone feels very comfortable in Chloé’s presence. She is very communicative and open minded. Her body is extremely beautiful and feminine.

Bluelabel Escort Models